
Notice for Submission of Articles

Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito

CONSINTER International Journal of Law and

Book Law and Justice

Qualis A3 – Qualified by CAPES for the 2017-2020 quadrennium


For publication in the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito, the scientific articles shall be evaluated by the double-blind review system, in which two CONSINTER Referees shall evaluate the papers without any author identification. The framework of the evaluated and accepted articles for the purpose of publication in Europe by the Editorial Juruá Lda., and in Brazil by Juruá Ltda, will follow the following criteria:


According to the requirements of national and international agencies of investigation and teaching that evaluate the investigative and academic activity of Post-Graduation, the CONSINTER Executive Coordination, at the best of their judgment, will select a certain amount of articles approved that will be awarded with the Publication in the Journal “Revista Internacional do CONSINTER de Direito”, with ISSN from Portugal. Also:

a) For each article selected for the journal “Revista Internacional do CONSINTER de Direito – Qualis A3”, a number of the specific and unique register in the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) system will be assigned.

b) A register in the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) system will also be assigned to the journal “Revista Internacional do CONSINTER de Direito – Qualis A3”.

c) All articles published in the “Revista Internacional do CONSINTER de Direito Qualis A3” will be made available, free of charge, on the Editorial Juruá website.

d) In the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito, only articles written in co-authorship by a maximum of three (03) authors will be published.

e) The journal Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito is indexed on national and international databases, such as Scielo Portugal, Google Scholar, Dialnet, Latindex, Miae, Sumá, MIGUILIN, REDIB, Diadirim, CAPES, LivRe, Cite Factor, Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, Rede Virtual de Bibliotecas Integradas (RVBI), Member da ABEC e da Crossref.

f) O CONSINTER utiliza a Plataforma Open Journal Systems – OJS para a submissão de artigo, a qual visa agilizar o processo de gestão editorial, ferramenta que auxilia o processo editorial de recebimento de artigos, comunicação com os autores e automatização da revisão por pares e às cegas, conferindo maior credibilidade às obras oficiais do CONSINTER dentro da comunidade científica.

In the face of the technical rules, for the purpose of qualification of the journal, only the articles approved in which a least one of the authors and/or author has a doctorate degree will be selected for the journal “Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito – Quails A3”. The articles properly approved that do not fulfill this requirement will be published in the Book of CONSINTER.

It will be at the discretion of the Organizing Committee the indication and number of the Journal in which the approved article will be released for publication, observing in addition to the submission requirements, the exogenousness of authors.

A indicação observa inúmeros fatores desde a ordem cronológica da data de recebimento até a data de devolução após efetuadas as correções quando solicitadas, entre outros critérios.

A data da publicação do artigo não está vinculada à data do edital de convocatória, nem à data do evento, podendo ser publicado posteriormente à realização deste.



The publication of the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito – Quails A3 is biannual, the first being published until July 31 and the second until December 31 of each year.

Published in: 10/13/2015

Published in: 09/12/2016

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano II – Número III – Protección de los Derechos Fundamentales en un Contexto Global
Published in: 12/16/2016

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano III – Número IV – Derecho ante los Desafíos de la Globalización
Published in: 06/30/2017

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano III – Número V – Derecho ante los Desafíos de la Globalización
Published in: 12/22/2017

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano IV – Número VI – 1º Semestre 2018 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 06/29/2018

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano IV – Número VII – 2º Semestre 2018 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 12/19/2018

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano V – Número VIII – 1º Semestre 2019 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 06/28/2019

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano V – Número IX – 2º Semestre 2019 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 12/18/2019

Published in: 06/30/2020

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano VI – Número XI – 2º Semestre 2020 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 12/18/2020

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano VII – Número XII – 1º Semestre 2021 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 06/30/2021

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano VII – Número XIII – 1º Semestre 2021 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 12/21/2021

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano VIII – Número XIV – 2º Semestre 2022 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 06/30/2022

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano VIII – Número XV – 2º Semestre 2022 – El Impacto de la Revolución Tecnológica en el Derecho
Published in: 12/19/2022

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano IX – Número XVI – 1º Semestre 2023 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 06/30/2022

REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CONSINTER DE DIREITO – Ano IX – Número XVII – 2º Semestre 2023 – Estudos Contemporâneos
Published in: 12/19/2023



a) The submission of the scientific work for analysis is conditioned to the confirmation of subscriptions of all authors and co-authors;

b) Only articles approved by CONSINTER Referees Board/Editorial Board will be published, that comply with the rules of the submission notice.



a) Submission/registration.

b) Proof of payment of the Submission/registration.

c) Assignment of copyrights signed.

d) Full Article following the guidelines of item 5 of the submission rules.

e) The articles must be forwarded by one of the authors by e-mail



  • Articles that do not comply with the standards below will be disqualified.

It is essential that you download the article template here, so that you can write your article according to the CONSINTER standard.

a) Os artigos devem ser submetidos via upload na plataforma OJS, seguindo o padrão indicado abaixo de nomeação do arquivo do artigo do artigo.

Exemplo: ART IDENT[1] – Autor[2] – data de envio[3] – título do artigo[4].

Modelo: ART IDENT – Maria Silva – 20-01-2024 – Aspectos Tributários…

ART SEM IDENT – data de envio – título do artigo.

Modelo[5]: ART IDENT – 20-01-2024 – Aspectos Tributários…

[1] ART IDENT – abreviação de artigo identificado.

[2] Autor – nome do autor do artigo, informando o primeiro nome quando for somente um autor e, ou primeiro e último sobrenome quando for artigo em coautoria.

[3] Data de envio – informação da data do upload do artigo.

[4] Título do artigo – indicação do título do artigo.

[5] Modelo de como nomear o arquivo em word do artigo sem a identificação do autor.

b) For the article, it is mandatory the adoption of the European Union’s Institutional Writing Code (Umberto Eco/EU norm) standards – see item 6. This system is similar to the ABNT norms; however, the use becomes easier (all tabs are comma) and only highlights in italics, never in bold.

Note: The article must be submitted with spelling and grammatical correction.

c) Be original (not published in books, specialized journals or in the press in general) and present technical–legal property; national and international relevance of the theme approached, wording fluency, grammar correction and respect to the ethical and scientific aspects.

Note: The texts inserted in documents of restrict circulation at universities will be considered original.

d) Have been produced by students and/or professors of Lato Sensu and/or Stricto Sensu PostGraduation courses, or by Masters, Doctors and Post-Doctors.

e) Co-authored works will be accepted, up to a maximum of 3 duly registered participants, being mandatory to indicate the percentage of contribution of each author in the article.

f) Be identified with one of the criteria of classification to be informed in public notice.

g) The author (s) that submit the same scientific article (with the same title and content or only having the title changed) for more than one of the fields of Law above mentioned, will have both scientific articles automatically eliminated from the evaluation.

h) Identification of the author and affiliation: It must appear just below the title, obligatorily in this order: Name, ORCID, in the format of the example below:

Luiz Antônio[6] – HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-0000-0000[7].

[6] Nome fictício

[7] A indicação do número ORCID deve ser feita por completo, exemplo:

i) The author’s qualification (curriculum) and affiliation[8] must also be included in a footnote:

  • maximum 04 lines.
  • the current degree or the academic training of the authors at the last levels.
  • the name of the Higher Education Institution (college + University, when applicable) to which it is linked, the city, state, country, and ZIP code (Postal code) of the said Institution.
  • the email address of the author(s).
  • the ORCID number (if you don’t have one, ask for it

Example: Doctoral Student/Doctor/Post-Doctoral Student in Law XXXX by the Faculty of Law XXXX, University XXXXX, city, Country, postal code 1649-014, e-mail, ORCID XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.

[8] Inform the name of the Higher Education institution with which you have a link as a student or as a professor, if applicable, inform both.

j) Be submitted in Word format in two distinct files, one with and the other without identification, both complete, containing a minimum of 15 pages, and a maximum of 25 pages and the pages must be numbered.

k) For the file without identification it is important for the author to make sure that, in the content of the article to be evaluated, there is no information that makes it possible to identify the author or the Institution they are directly or indirectly bound to.

l) The text must comply with the following characteristics: Times New Roman font; body 12; justified alignment, without syllable separation; 1.5 spacing between lines; 1.5 cm paragraph; do not put special spacing before or after each paragraph; 3 cm for top and left margins, 2 cm for bottom and right; on A4 size paper; explanatory footnotes on the same page where the reference is cited and the References must follow the Technical Standards of the European Union Institutional Writing Code (Norma Umberto Eco/EU) – see item 6.

m) The text must contain:

  • Title in two languages, one of which must be in English.
  • Summary to be indicated following the presentation of the title.
  • Abstract (between 100 and 250 words – peremptorily with 02 languages), one in Portuguese or Spanish and the other necessarily in English.
  • Keywords (between 3 and 10 words) must be indicated in two languages, being an absolute indication in the English language.


  • If written in Portuguese: the Abstract and the Key words must be written in Portuguese and in English.
  • If written in Spanish: the Abstract and the Key words must be written in Spanish and in English.
  • If written in English: the Abstract and the Key words must be written in English and in Portuguese.

n) The author must indicate both in the abstract and the introduction:

  • Objective – is a brief description of the study, why it was carried out, and what it proposes.
  • Hypothesis – Quite directly, the hypothesis of the academic work is a statement that seeks to answer the research problem. In other words, it’s a claim that can be challenged throughout research.
  • Methodology used – The method describes how the study was carried out, especially its most important characteristics (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, or multimethod study; description of study participants, instruments, etc.) and data collection and analysis procedures.
  • Results achieved – The results describe the study’s main findings, specifically those that respond to the objective of the referred study.
  • In the final considerations – The final considerations consist of the description of the main contributions brought by the study and indications for future studies.

o) Articles in English have priority in analysis and publication. Noting that they may be published in the CONSINTER Journal, provided that: approved by the CONSINTER Council, at least one of the authors has a doctorate degree and meets the notice submission rules.

p) For every title, subtitle, all of them aligned on the left, there must be a corresponding text.

q) The text must be written in a clear and objective way, avoiding long-winded and strenuous paragraphs, giving priority to sentences in the direct order, such as: subject – predicate – complement.

r) Texts with figures, illustrations and/or photographs will not be accepted, except for graphs and tables which are indispensable for the understanding of the work, and compatible with black and white printing, being prohibited the use of graphs and tables if originated from a third party.

s) Footnotes and bibliographic references: It is mandatory to include the same information in both, as they are carefully verified.

Citations must always be from secure locations, both physical and virtual (see accepted model of the Humberto Eco system in item 6).

Plagiarism or literal copies are not allowed, under penalty of disapproval.

t) The text must be accompanied by the authorization form for publication – assignment of Copyright/Patrimonial Rights – according to the attached model and/or available on the website.

u) All the articles must be accompanied by the proof of payment of each author and co-author’s registration.

v) Noting that CONSINTER is a non-profit institution, the value of the registration/submission subsidizes the publication of articles in the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito. The submission/registration fee is individual and exclusive for each author. Therefore, each author must register and pay his/her respective fee.

Ex: For the inclusion of an article in co-authorship with the two authors – it is necessary the registration and payment of the fee for each one of the authors.

w) An author can insert as many articles as they wish on the OJS platform, but he/she must pay the registration/submission fee for each one. Payment must be made by author for each article submitted.

x) CONSINTER does not reimburse payments made, even when the articles have not been approved by the CONSINTER Editorial Board and/or Body of Reviewers.

y) In view of the technical standards for journal qualification purposes, only approved articles in which at least one of the authors and/or author has a PhD may be selected for the CONSINTER International Journal of Law (QUALIS A3). Duly approved articles that do not meet this requirement will be published in the CONSINTER Law and Justice Book.

Note: It will be at the discretion of the Organizing Committee the indication and number of the Journal in which the approved article will be released for publication, observing, in addition to the submission requirements, the exogenous nature of authors.

z) Observing the qualification rules, only one article from each author may be released for publication in the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito. In case of approval of two or more articles by the same author for the Journal, the evaluation committee, at its best judgment, will choose one for publication in the Journal and the others will be directed for release in the Law and Justice book or in the next issues of the Journal.

→ Articles that do not comply with the above standards will be disqualified



For indicating the sources of the citations, the articles must adopt the European Union’s Institutional Drafting Code standards (Umberto Eco/EU norm).

General rules:

– All elements must be separated only by a comma.

– Features highlighted with an asterisk are mandatory.


1. Book

1) * LAST NAME (in small caps) and Author’s First Name (s),

2) * Title and subtitle of the book (in italics),

3) («Collection»),

4) * Edition number, if there are several,

5) * Location,

6) * Publisher,

7) * Year.

8) Possible data from the most recent edition.

9) Number of pages and the potential number of volumes of which the work is composed.

10) * Translation.


a) in the reference list

Molina del Pozo, Carlos, Prácticas de Derecho de la Unión Europea, Curitiba, Juruá, 2019.

b) in the footnotes

Molina del Pozo, Carlos, Prácticas de Derecho de la Unión Europea, Curitiba, Juruá, 2019, pp. 22-23.


2. Book chapter

1) * LAST NAME (in small caps) and Author’s First Name (s),

2) * Title of Chapter or Essay (in quotes),

3) * in

4) * Last name (in small caps) and the Organizer’s First Name (s), org.,

5) * Title of the Collective Work (in italics),

6) * volume (if applicable),

7) * Place, Publisher, date, pages.


a) in the reference list

Visentini, Paulo Fagundes, “A Inserção da China na Ásia e a Transformação Estratégica da Região” in Procópio, Argemiro, org., O Século da China, Curitiba, Juruá, 2010.

b) in the footnotes

Visentini, Paulo Fagundes, “A Inserção da China na Ásia e a Transformação Estratégica da Região” in Procópio, Argemiro, org., O Século da China, Curitiba, Juruá, 2010, pp. 14-15.


3. Journal Article

1) * LAST NAME (in small caps) and Author’s First Name (s),

2) * “Title of Article or Chapter” (in quotes),

3) * Journal Title (in italics),

4) * volume and issue number,

5) * date,

6) * page range.


a) in the reference list

Velázquez, Victor Hugo Tejerina, “Alguns Aspectos da Função Social da Propriedade no Novo Código Civil”, Revista Autônoma de Direito Privado, vol. 1, set. 2006, pp. 45-86.

b)in the footnotes

Velázquez, Victor Hugo Tejerina, “Alguns Aspectos da Função Social da Propriedade no Novo Código Civil”, Revista Autônoma de Direito Privado, vol. 1, set. 2006, p. 52.

Umberto Eco/EU Standard

Reference: Eco, Umberto, Como Se Faz Uma Tese Em Ciências Humanas, 13rd ed., Barcarena, Editorial Presença, 2007. Trad. Ana Falcão Bassos e Luís Leitão. pp. 101-102.

Following the reference of Norma Umberto Eco/UE

Referência: Eco, Umberto, Como Se Faz Uma Tese Em Ciências Humanas, 13ª ed., Barcarena, Editorial Presença, 2007. Trad. Ana Falcão Bassos e Luís Leitão, pp. 101-102.



The CONSINTER Editorial Board analyzes the scientific articles, formed only by renowned Doctors and Post-Doctors, jurists, Brazilian, and foreigners, especially invited. The scientific papers will be evaluated by the double-blind review system, in which two CONSINTER members of the board will determine the works without any authorship identification. The assessment of scientific articles by anonymous authors guarantees the impartiality of judgment and decreases  subjectivity and ideological preferences.

This way, authors must avoid direct references to themselves and citations that make it possible to extract its authorship from the reading of the text.

If the scientific article is accepted by one of the CONSINTER members and failed by another, the  text, at the Director Council suggestion, can be subjected to a third-party assessment.

a) The content of the scientific articles is the authors’ full responsibility, and after subjected to assessment, cannot go through any changes or replacements, except if requested by the Editorial Board.

b) Plagiarism or the insertion of literal copies is not allowed, even if it is from the author himself, unless there is a correct citation, which mischaracterizes plagiarism.



a) Compliance with registration/submission rules + payment;

b) Strict compliance with the Rules for writing articles (they must meet the criteria described in item 05 of this document;

c) Check for plagiarism;

d) Relevance, topicality and originality of the chosen topic;

e) Depth in approaching the chosen topic;

f) Appropriate methodology for the development of the chosen theme;

g) Innovation brought by the approach;

h) Quality of writing;

i) Adequacy to the norms foreseen in the public notice;

j) Adequacy of the article to the scope of the Journal;

k) Relevance of the title to the content proposed by the author;

l) Relevance of the abstract when describing the objective, the theoretical framework, the methodology, the main results and conclusions;

m) Structuring the text;

n) Objectives;

o) Theoretical framework;

p) Results / Discussion;

q) Final considerations or conclusion;

r) Merit;

s) Effective contribution of work to the advancement of knowledge.

Each of the above criteria will be measured considering the following variables:

a) Inadequate;

b) Regular;

c) Good;

d) Excellent.

In respect of the principle of impersonality, the opinion issued by the Editorial Board of CONSINTER is confidential.



a) The more than 450 scientific articles published in the previous editions of the CONSINTER International Law Journal are available free of charge on the CONSINTER

b) Printed books and e-books by Juruá Editora that you can purchase at, the most extensive legal and vertical catalog in Brazil.

c) Virtual Library (VL) – Purchase the pages of the work you are interested in by the Virtual Library at

Full access to articles published in the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito – Qualis A3 is free. Click here (, discover all previous editions and use them as a bibliography in your scientific article, as well as in all your legal research.

For more information send an email



The scientific article sent for evaluation must be accompanied by the authorization term for publication – assignment of Copyrights/Patrimonial – according to the attached model and/or available on the website, in which the author (s) agree (s) with the following terms:

a) The ideas and concepts emitted in the submitted article is/are the sole responsibility of the Author (s) that guarantees (s) and is/are responsible for its legality, authorship, and authenticity.

b) Assign publishing copyright to the International Council for Contemporary Postgraduate Studies.

c) Attest that the article is of your authorship and that it does not infringe on third parties’ intellectual property rights.

d) Authorize CONSINTER and Editora Juruá, at any time, in part or whole, definitively, with or without commercial purposes, in the best way they judge, publishing the paper in case of approval by the Editorial Board, in the CONSINTER International Law Journal, or the CONSINTER Book – Law and Justice, or any other media, in printed and/or digital format, including a mini-book, if they judge it fits, as well as through the publication or availability of the respective texts on the world wide web.

e) Authorization is free of charge, without royalties by Juruá Editora and/or Editorial Juruá Lda. and/or CONSINTER, aware that there is no remuneration, payment, or indemnity, even in copies of the book object of authorization for publication, under its disclosure or commercialization.



The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.



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Academic Coordination
Dr. Antônio César Bochenek – Doutor – Universidade de Coimbra

Executive Coordination
Ivan Winters
Marcia Neckel