Symposium date

November 15 to 17, 2023


Universitat de Barcelona

The Symposium / purpose, justification, audience and useful information


CONSINTER – International Council for Contemporary Postgraduate Studies.

Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito with QUALIS A3, and the Law and Justice Book, both published by Editorial Juruá, which is the only Portuguese-Brazilian publisher included in the SPI (Scholarly Publishers Indicators), an International Ranking that indicates the editorial prestige and qualifies for the impact index of all the publishers that are present in Spain and was one of the international publishers with the greatest evolution during the year 2022 (last evaluation of the ranking).

X CONSINTER 2023 International Law Symposium.
Facultat de Dret – University of Barcelona.
From November 15 to 17, 2023 – In-person event.


CONSINTER is a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting individual autonomy to which, constructively and inclusively, the individual may improve his/her own fate, as well as the society’s destiny in general. The object of these lines is to extend an open invitation for a large international event, in which participants may submit their unpublished scientific contributions orally, appraising their Publication, both in Europe and in Brazil, in accordance with the event rules. In this way, effective instruments will boost knowledge democratization, interaction among people, and improvement consolidation.

The sum of contributions from different legal cultures will allow the overcoming of the current limitations imposed by geography and the economy. Thus, all coordinated efforts are welcomely aimed at the academic formation of reflective individuals committed to the values and principles to which the contemporary civilization aspires.


Scientific Coordinator:

David Vallespín Pérez – Professor of Procedural Law at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Coordinator since the 1st CONSINTER International Law Symposium in 2015 in Barcelona, ​​he is the editor of the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito (QUALIS A3), director of the Law and Justice Book, coordinator and director of 7 legal collections by Editorial Juruá Europa.

Professor of Civil Litigation at the Law Master at UB-ICAB. Author of numerous monographs and articles published in the most prestigious editorials and magazines. Columnist in different media and primary investigator of different projects. He has been Vice-Rector of the Universitat de Barcelona, ​​as well as training and research stays in prestigious European and American Universities. Currently, he is the coordinator of the Procedural Law section of the Universitat de Barcelona.

Academic Coordinator:

Antônio César Bochenek – Ph.D. in Law from Universidade of Coimbra – Portugal, and Federal Judge of the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region.

Author of several works by Juruá Editora and Editorial Juruá, as well as professor on the Permanent Body of the Master’s Degree at ENFAM. Professor at Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa – UEPG. Leader of the Management, Network,s and Organizational Design Research Group at ENFAM. Member of the Nupedia Research Group – UFMT. Master at PUC/PR – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Bachelor of Laws at Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa – UEPG. Member of the Paraná Institute of Procedural Law (IPDP).


The X CONSINTER International Law Symposium will hold its 10th-anniversary edition in the beautiful city of Barcelona, ​​at its main University, from November 15 to 17, 2023.

The Symposium will feature lectures by international and national professors and jurists, working groups with enriching oral presentations of scientific articles developed by law scholars, bringing together professors and undergraduate and graduate students (graduate, masters, and doctoral students), Brazilian and Ibero-American researchers, lawyers, magistrates, members of the Public Ministry where they discuss the results of their work, as well as exchange knowledge.

Participation can be:

  • As a listener (without submitting articles) with the opportunity to debate, or
  • With article submission and the possibility of presentation.

The CONSINTER Symposium is now recognized by all as the most representative meeting held in Spain, bringing together South American and European jurists.

In addition to this honorable recognition, the Symposium provides effective and fruitful integration of Law operators, heirs of the Portuguese-Spanish culture.

It is an exceptional opportunity for the presentation and publication of unpublished scientific studies and international networking.

Furthermore, CONSINTER and Juruá together provide the opportunity for authors, coordinators, directors, and/or collaborators of works by Juruá Brazil or Europe to launch their works in a beautiful morning of autographs during the Symposium.



If you are one of the options above, you can participate in the collective launch.

Date: November 16, 2023

Approximate time 11:00 am during the coffee break

Location: At the Facultat de Dret – Universitat de Barcelona.

Therefore, it is essential to confirm your presence by July 31st so that your work can be included in the program and in the promotional materials, in addition to defining the way to send them through the e-mail


This Edition/Symposium opens the call for submission of scientific articles for possible publication in one of CONSINTER’s official works in subsequent editions and their oral presentation as long as they are approved.

Articles will be analyzed by CONSINTER’s Board of Reviewers/Editorial Board through the double-blind review system, if approved, they will be published in one of CONSINTER’s official works and may be orally presented during the X CONSITNER Symposium – 2023. regardless of its oral presentation.

CONSINTER’s official works are Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito (QUALIS A3), with European ISSN and DOI number, and the CONSINTER Law and Justice Book with three different ISBNs, European, Brazilian, and digital.

NOTE: The Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito (QUALIS A3) is indexed in several national and international databases, such as:

  • Scielo Portugal
  • Dialnet
  • Google Scholar
  • Latindex
  • Sumá
  • LivRe
  • Cite Factor
  • Tribunal Superior Eleitoral
  • Rede Virtual de Bibliotecas Integradas (RVBI)
  • Miar
  • Membro da Crossref

Full access to articles published in the Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito (QUALIS A3) is free. Click here to learn about all previous editions

Works from all areas of law will be accepted in 5 languages ​​such as Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, and Italian, according to the following classification:


a1 – Environmental Law, Sustainability, Urban Law, Agrarian Law, Mining Law.
a.2 – Child and Adolescent Law, Elderly Law, Disable People Law, Rights of Gender.
a.3 – Consumer Law.
a.4 – Law and New Technologies (Digital).
a.5 – Law Education, Teaching, Research and Legal Methodologies.
a.6 – Fundamental Human Rights, Democracy and Citizenship, Social Movements.
a.7 – Philosophy of Law, Legal Hermeneutics, History of Law, Anthropology of Law, Sociology of Law and Legal Culture.

b.1 – Judicial Administration and Access to Justice.
b.2 – Criminology, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure.
b.3 – Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure.
b.4 – Constitutional Law, Restorative Justice.
b.5 – Economic and Financial Law, Tax Law and Tax Process.
b.6 – Electoral Law and Electoral Process.
b.7 – Military Law.
b.8 – Welfare Law and Welfare Process.

c.1 – Customs Law, Maritime Law and Port Law.
c.2 – Civil Law, Responsibility, Family Law, Real Estate Law; Medical Law and Biolaw.
c.3 – Copyright, Intellectual Property, Records, Trademarks and Patents.
c.4 – Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution: Mediation, Conciliation, and Arbitration.
c.5 – Commercial Law, Electronic Commerce Law, Business Law.
c.6 – Sports Law, Entertainment Law.
c.7 – Civil Procedure.
c.8 – Labor Law and Labor Process.

d.1 – Diplomacy.
d.2 Foreign Trade.



Date: From November 15th to 17th, 2023.

Location: Universitat de Barcelona – Facultat de Dret
Avenida Diagonal, 684 – Barcelona – Spain.

Hours: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm – Spanish Time


Professors and Students linked to Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses (both Lato Sensu – specialization – and Stricto Sensu in the Master’s and Doctorate lines) may submit articles; Specialists, Masters, PhDs, Researchers, University Professors; Judges, Public Ministry Representatives, Lawyers, other legal career professionals and, in general, people who dedicate themselves in their professional field, to any branches or disciplines of Law, who are interested in showing their unpublished scientific studies on any of the thematic areas proposals.

The articles can be sent according to the following curricular requirements:

  • Undergraduate students for exclusive participation as listeners without submitting articles.
  • Undergraduate students can submit their articles, as long as they are co-authored with their supervisor (with the possibility of publication only in the CONSINTER book).
  • Lato Sensu Postgraduate Students (specializing and specialists).
  • Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Students (Master’s and Ph.D. students).
  • Masters, PhDs, and Post-Docs:

The main criterion for publication in the CONSINTER International Law Journal is the author having a Ph.D. title. If he does not have it, his article will be evaluated in the same way, and if approved by the CONSINTER Council, it shall be published in the book Law and Justice.

Observing CONSINTER’s basic premise of supporting and promoting scientific and academic production, it is essential to inform that all articles registered, paid for, and originated following the target audience described in this item 4 heading, shall be accepted for analysis and possible publication.


Observing the scenario that imposes great difficulties to those interested in publishing their studies and investigation work, CONSINTER comes up to contribute to the diffusion of academic studies, publishing them, facilitating their dissemination, in addition to fostering an investigative formation of excellence, and the transfer of knowledge from universities to society.

The articles will be subjected to a selection and approval process by the Editorial Board of CONSINTER, meeting criteria of scientific quality, being the analysis carried out in the double-blind review system, according to the requirements by the national and international institutions and agencies of investigation and teaching that evaluate the investigating activity of Post-Graduation.

Thus, besides allowing visibility to scientific production in official publications of the CONSINTER, the applicants will gain:

a) The Publication of their scientific article, as long as it has been approved by CONSINTER Editorial Board.

b) The opportunity to orally present your scientific article, since it has been approved by the CONSINTER Reviewer Body.

c) The possibility of receiving an international certification.

d) The opportunity to spread their scientific study, reaching a more significant number of spectators internationally.

e) The possibility of indexing their article on the JuruáDocs

f) The possibility to expand their network of contacts with persons of high scientific and academic level.

g) The opportunity to seek scientific knowledge transfer, which will contribute to the recognition of investigative activity and international scientific cooperation.


All texts will be evaluated by the double-blind review system, respecting the authors’ anonymity.

At the sovereign criterion by the CONSINTER Editorial Board, some articles will be selected to be published in the periodic edition of the journal Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito, with the respective ISSN. This Publication will have two versions in Portugal, being one printed, and the other digital.

The articles that have not been selected for the journal Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito, but which have been approved by the Editorial Board, will be published in the official book of CONSINTER Direito e Justiça, with ISBN register. This Publication will have three editions: one printed in Portugal, and two editions in Brazil (one digital and the other printed).

The approved articles can be presented orally in the “Revista International de Direito CONSINTER,” by the author or one of the co-authors, with a fixed time, to be informed by email.

The Publication of the approved articles by the Editorial Board and/or Referees Board does not depend on the presence of the authors in the Symposium.

NOTE: The journal Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito is indexed on various national and international databases, such as Scielo Portugal, Google Scholar, Latindex, REDIB, CAPES, LivRe, Sumá, Cite Factor, Tribunal Superior Eleitoral and Rede Virtual de Bibliotecas Integradas (RVBI), MIAR and Crossref member.

Magazine and Book / editor, directors and organizers


Luiz Augusto de Oliveira Junior
Luiz Augusto de Oliveira Junior


Magazine: Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito


David Vallespín Pérez
David Vallespín Pérez
Catedrático de Derecho Procesal – Universitat de Barcelona



Germán Barreiro González
Germán Barreiro González
Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social – Universidad de León
Gonçalo S. de Melo Bandeira
Gonçalo S. de Melo Bandeira
Professor da ESG/IPCA e JusGov –  Universidade do Minho
María Yolanda Sánchez-Urán Azaña
María Yolanda Sánchez-Urán Azaña
Catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social – Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Book: Direito e Justiça


David Vallespín Pérez
David Vallespín Pérez
Catedrático de Derecho Procesal – Universitat de Barcelona


Academic Coordination:

Antônio César Bochenek
Antônio César Bochenek
Doutor – Universidade de Coimbra


Executive Direction:

Francine Oliveira
Francine Oliveira


Executive Coordenation:

Ivan Winters
Ivan Winters
Marcia Neckel
Marcia Neckel

Symposium Coordinators

Prof. Dr. David Vallespín

Catedrático de Derecho Procesal de la UB. Coordinador Científico

Prof. Dr. Antônio César Bochenek

Juez Federal, Prof. Doutor ENFAM - Coordinador Académico


Prof. Dr. David Vallespín

Catedrático de Derecho Procesal de la UB. Coordinador Científico

Profa. Dra. María Jesús Pesqueira Zamora

Profesora de Derecho Procesal de la Universidad Abat Oliba – CEU – Barcelona

Prof. Dr. José María Asencio Gallego

Juez. Profesor Asociado de Derecho Procesal - UB

Prof. Dr. José María Asencio Mellado

Catedrático de Derecho Procesal de la UA

Profa. Dra. Esperanza Gallego

Catedrática de Derecho Procesal – UA

Sr. Luís Bahamonde Falcón

Presidente de INNOBAIX – Adjunto a la Presidencia de PIMEC

Profa. Dra. Montserrat Casanellas Checo

Profesora Agregada de Derecho Financiero y Tributario – UB

Dr. Frederico Mendes Júnior

Presidente da Associação dos Magistrados Brasileiros

Dra. Herta Helena de Oliveira

Mestre em Direito Processual, Vice-Presidente do Instituto Paulista de Magistrados-IPAM-Juíza Substituta em Segundo Grau do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo.

Prof. Dr. David Moyá Malapeira

Profesor Agregado de Derecho Constitucional, UB, Director del Observatorio del Derecho Público – IDP – UB


Profa. Dra. Noemí Jiménez

Derecho Mercantil – UB - Espanha

Profa. Dra. Nancy Carina Vernengo Pellejero

Profesora de Derecho Procesal - Espanha

Prof. Lluís Boada

Experto en Derecho Marítimo y Dcho de Puertos - Espanha

Profa. Dra. Roberta Soares da Silva

Professora Assistente de Direito Previdenciário da PUC/SP, Presidente da ABDSS, Advogada - Brasil

Dra. Giorgia Bin Bochenek

Mestre, Advogada e Presidente da ACIPG - Brasil

Profa. Dra. Dóris Ghilardi

Professora de Direito Civil UFSC - Brasil

Profa. Dra. Elizabeth Accioly

Professora de Direito Internacional Universidade Europeia, Lisboa - Portugal

Dra. Vanessa Ribeiro Mateus

Juíza de Direito no Estado de São Paulo, Presidente da APAMAGIS e Coordenadora da Justiça Estadual da Associação dos Magistrados Brasileiros - AMB

Dra. Louise Rainer Pereira Gionédis

Advogada, sócia fundadora do Pereira e Gionédis Advogados.

Dr. Cláudio Luís Martinewski

Desembargador do TJRS, Vice-Presidente Institucional da AMB e Presidente da AJURIS.

Des. Ivani Contini Bramante

Doutrora, Desembardora Federal do Trabalho, Professora, membro da Academia Brasileira de Direito da Seguridade Social – ABDSS.

Dr. Ailton Alfredo de Souza

Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Juiz de Direito aposentado, Advogado

Dr. Jesús Víctor Alfredo Contreras Ugarte

Doctor, Profesor de Filosofía del Derecho, Derechos Humanos, Fundamentos Teóricos del Derecho y Habilidades Básicas del Jurista en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Prof. Dr. Augusto Grieco Sant´Anna Meirinho

Procurador do Trabalho do Ministério Público da União. Titular da Cadeira nº 20 da Academia Brasileira de Direito da Seguridade Social (ABDSS).

Dr. Milton Vasquez Thibau de Almeida

Desembargador do Trabalho do TRT da 3a. Região. Professor da Universidade de Itaúna e UFMG. Membro da ABDSS

Schedule / Subject to change

Schedule download



CONSINTER comes to introduce itself with the objective of promoting the individual as agent manufacturer of his/her destination and of society in general, inviting you to the accomplishment of a large international event in which participants will have space for oral presentation of their scientific unpublished articles, which embody knowledge and experience acquired as a result of scientific research, with the possibility of publication, both in Brazil and in Europe, through printed and digital means.

We believe that the publications, whether printed or digital, while culture substrate, are effective instruments for knowledge democratization, for  interaction between peoples and for humanitarian, technical and scientific developments consolidation which propels the civilizing process between different cultures, allowing the overcome of limits imposed by geography and standards, enabling the integration between peoples in an ethical and sustainable ways, training reflective and autonomous individuals, committed to the highest values and principles.

CONSINTER is characterized by being a nonprofit institution, created with the support and intervention of Juruá Editora Ltda., a company of the publishing industry with over 48 years of business activity, notably recognized for its tradition in the books’ publication of high scientific and technical levels in various areas of knowledge and which, expanding its borders, for more than 07 years is present in Europe through Editorial Juruá Ltda., established in Portugal, with a range of renowned and respected authors and advisers, both domestic and foreign.

Promotion / agreements


Agreements - Europe


Master Agreements - Brazil

Agreements - Brazil

Tour Operator

PAPER SUBMISSION / general instructions and article template


According to the rules, the article must be sent via download at according to the instructions there, only after the registration has been completed and payment has been made.

For those who are interested in presenting orally at the X Symposium:

a) Until May 31, 2023 – 1st Call

b) Until June 30, 2023 – 2nd Call

c) Until August 31, 2023 – Last Call

OBS.: The selected and approved studies may be presented at the X International CONSINTER Law Symposium in 2023 and will be included in the next official CONSINTER publications.

For those who are NOT interested in presenting orally at the X CONSINTER Symposium – 2023:

a) Until November 15, 2023: sent and registered articles in the COMBO option (submission + presentation) will entitle you to participate in the event (but without the possibility of oral presentation of the same, since there is not enough time for the text evaluation) and, if approved by the Board of Reviewers, will be included in the next official CONSINTER publications.

b) Until the date of 12/31/2023, an article may be sent for evaluation, and possible publication in one of the official works of CONSINTER provided that the registration/submission of the same is carried out on the CONSINTER website


The decision by the CONSINTER Editorial Board on the approval or rejection of the articles submitted will be reported directly to the author by email.


a) The submission of the scientific work for analysis is conditioned to the subscription confirmation of all authors and co-authors.

b) Only articles approved by CONSINTER Editorial Board/Referees Board will be published.


a) All items duly registered may be submitted:

    • Until April 30, 2023, in the 1st notice and approved for publication in one of the official CONSINTER works;
    • Until July 31, 2023, in this Announcement/Symposium.

b) For oral presentations of articles duly registered, paid, and approved until July 31, 2023, there will be an additional cost of BRL 690.00 (six hundred and ninety Brazilian reais) in case of acquisition of the presentation separately (see item 14 letter “g”).

In case of acquisition of the COMBO option (registration/submission + presentation of the article), no additional cost will be charged.

NOTE: In both cases, the author(s)/co-author(s) may present it orally during the X CONSINTER International Law Symposium, being essential to request and confirm the following e-mail:

c) The number of presentations will be limited, and the selection will be made by order of registration/confirmation of presence, which will be at the discretion of the organization of the event.

d) After confirming the article’s oral presentation, date and time changes will not be possible.

e) The presentation time will be subject to changes that may vary according to the number of participants in the event or at the discretion of the organization.

f) The presentations will be exclusively oral, not being allowed the use of audiovisual apparatus.



Certificates will be issued by the University organizing the event to the authors who effectively present the scientific article and will be sent by email.


The declaration of acceptance of the scientific article will be issued, as long as the article is approved, by CONSINTER, upon request to the email

Publication rules Full notice Assignment of Copyright Article template

FEES / your investment

a) For payment in foreign currency, check trading day.

b) Check the deadlines for registration and payment, along with sending the articles for submission.

c) It is essential to pay the registration of the authors and co-authors at the time of registration; it will entitle the article to be evaluated.

d) Co-authored articles will be accepted as long as all authors are duly registered, with a maximum of 03 (three) co-authors per article allowed.

e) We inform you that CONSINTER does not reimburse payments made, even when the articles have not been approved by the CONSINTER Editorial Board and/or Board of Reviewers.

f) The date of the article’s submission depends on the registration date of the author(s). In case of articles sent after the period in which the author made the registration, the difference between the registration date and the article’s submission date will be charged (valid item for promotional values ​​per call).

g) There will be an additional cost for submitting the article during the X CONSINTER Symposium – 2023 for those who did NOT purchase the COMBO option upon registration and which must be paid in advance, in accordance with item 11 letter “b” of this document.

4th batch - until 11/15/2023

R$1690about US$265

Only the article’s submission for possible evaluation and publication in one of the official CONSINTER works

4th batch - until 11/15/2023

R$2280about US$358

COMBO – Submission + Participation as a listener, NO presentation possible

5th batch - until 12/31/2023

R$1790about US$281

Only the article’s submission for possible evaluation and publication in one of the official CONSINTER works

Until the event

R$690about US$109

Just as a listener
No article shipping
No oral presentation

Until 11/14/2023 - ABDSS Zoom

ABDSS ZOOM – Watch online
With certificate of participation
Exclusive for Master ABDSS agreement

SUBSCRIBE / guarantee your place

Inscrições encerradas!

ABOUT / photos of previous symposiums and the location of the event


The Facultat de Dret (Law Faculty) of the UB, the first venue of the CONSINTER International Law Symposium (2015), dates its origins to the moment of the creation of the General Study of Barcelona ​​in 1450, the predecessor of the Universitat de Barcelona and which already incorporated the Law Faculty and Canons. It is currently the largest Law Faculty in Catalonia. With high prestige and an international dimension, it offers degrees in Law, Political Sciences, Criminology, Labor Relations, and Management and Public Administration; as well as several Official and Professional Masters (among them, the Master in Law deserves special mention), a Doctoral program and an extensive range of postgraduate courses and continuing education courses. It is located on Campus Diagonal, equipped with modern equipment spread over four large buildings, in addition to a privileged and landscaped environment in the heart of the urban center of the city of Barcelona.


The Universitat de Barcelona is one of the oldest institutions in Catalonia and, consequently, a fundamental reference in its own history. In 1450, King Alfonso, the Magnanimous, founded the General Study of Barcelona, ​​that is, the current University. Its training offer is based on quality and innovation. It covers a wide and heterogeneous range of areas of knowledge: humanities, health sciences, social sciences, experimental sciences, engineering, law, economics, and educational sciences. It comprises 16 faculties, 10 associated centers, and more than 62,000 students and 12,000 professors and researchers. It is the only Spanish university that is a member of LERU (League of European Research Universities), in addition to being an active part of different international networks and inter-university alliances (among them, the Campus of the Americas). It is currently the best-placed Spanish university in the most prestigious international rankings.


Barcelona is the capital of the autonomous community of Catalonia, it is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The city of Barcelona brings together the largest number of quality universities in all of Spain and is home to five of the 29 institutions classified by the QS World University Ranking 2022, which lists the best in the world. Leading the ranking is the University of Barcelona.

It receives students and visitors from all over the world, being one of the biggest centers in Europe for studies, business, and tourism. An excellent climate, cultural diversity, unparalleled, cosmopolitan, beautiful, and pleasant architecture, in addition to sustainable mobility, are some of the qualities of this beautiful city. You cannot miss the opportunity to discover the works of Gaudí, stroll along the Ramblas, Passeig de Gràcia, Puerto Olímpico, its amazing museums, restaurants, and its delicious tapas bars in the old town. You can still visit the wonderful vineyards, cava, and wine cellars in the region. Stroll on foot, by bicycle or scooter, which are all over the city, with exclusive roads, or if you prefer, use the excellent public transport or by car. The local and international gastronomies are incredible and harmonize with its bubbly caves and its wonderful wines from Catalonia and the world. Take the opportunity to visit the impressive Campo Nou, the stadium of one of the biggest football clubs in the world, known affectionately as Barça.

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CONSINTER - Informativo 2019

CONSINTER - Informativo 2018

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